

n.登记( registration的名词复数 );登记项目;登记(或注册、挂号)人数;<音>(管风琴)音栓配合(法)

registrations 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

I also could have searched for other , more sensitive data , such as driver 's license and motor vehicle registrations , on lexisnexis .
Eight out of 10 of the new european union member countries in eastern europe reported higher year-on-year car sales for the quarter , but nearly half the countries in western europe posted fewer registrations .
In spain , registrations were down by 15 per cent for the quarter and 28 per cent for march , depressed in part by the withdrawal from january of incentives for drivers to scrap older cars .
Or paper : seven years of back tax files , marriage and divorce papers , birth certificates , vehicle registrations , passports , insurance policies , social security cards , and so forth .
" There is a rumor that more cities such as shenzhen , dalian , hangzhou and so on will also release a policy to limit car purchases by clamping down on vehicle registrations , " zhang said .
Shanghai has restricted registrations for many years to prevent its ancient streets from becoming overwhelmed .
At least 20 stocks have been halted this year and as many as eight registrations have been revoked .
Four years ago , the result in ohio was so close that democrats filed litigation accusing republican authorities of manipulating voter registrations .
New car registrations fell nearly 10 per cent in europe in march in a troubling sign for both the industry and broader consumer confidence on the continent .