

n.摄政者( regent的名词复数 )

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After the empress dowager 's death in 1908 , the qing regents drew up steps to be taken during a nine-year period to establish a constitutional monarchy .
It is assumed that mr chang and his wife will take responsibility for the tutelage of kim the third , shielding the little prince as if they were regents .
For the regents , and I hate going to these things alone .
Some galvestonians believe that the university 's regents are not doing enough to help utmb .
In mid-december , the regents announced a plan to push back by five years the retirement age for future employees , to 65 , and to cut u.c. 's contributions to the cost of retiree health care .
In the united states , the louisiana board of regents has funded the louisiana gene therapy research consortium , associated with the team that created mr. green genes the glowing cat .
Bpp , a for-profit business and law school , and regents college , a private college in london , report similarly heightened demand .
Kim jong il 's sister , kim kyong hui , and her husband , jang song taek , a close aide to kim jong il , could act as regents for kim jong eun to help him gain enough power within the worker 's party as well as the military to run the regime , some analysts say .
National collegiate athletic assn v. board of regents of univ. of okla.
A walk from the olympic side to ' little venice ' along the hertford union canal and the regents canal .