
v.改正( redress的现在分词 );重加权衡;恢复平衡
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- So redressing the imbalances must come through " internal devaluation " : bringing down real wages and prices relative to competitors .
- 因此,只能通过“内部货币贬值”来矫正不平衡状态:和竞争对手比较,降低实际工资和价格。
- He said redressing this imbalance was essential to support britain 's economic recovery .
- 戈夫表示,要支撑英国的经济复苏,势必要改正这项不平衡。
- Knowledge economy and the redressing of china 's industrial mix .
- 知识经济与我国产业结构调整。
- Mistaking her for one of many chinese who petition government offices in the hope of redressing wrongs .
- 把她错当成许许多多上访伸冤的人之一。
- Redressing this imbalance could , with time , help economic growth .
- 假以时间的话,修正这一不平衡现象将有助于经济增长。
- Compared with other countries , america taxes consumption too little and income too much ( see article ) . Redressing this imbalance could , with time , help economic growth .
- 与其他国家相比,美国税收的支出过少而收入过多;花费一些时间来矫正这一不平衡态势将有可能帮助经济的增长。
- As well as redressing private equity 's poor public image , mr coller says , his donation is aimed at helping his industry to learn from its mistakes .
- 科勒表示,除了解决私人股本公众形象欠佳的问题,他的捐款还希望能帮助该行业从自身的错误中汲取教训。
- In the dry jargon of the g20 summit , that is called redressing imbalances ; getting countries with surpluses to spend more , allowing countries with deficits to save more .
- 这在g20峰会的行话中被称为扭转不平衡:促使那些盈余多的国家多花钱,允许那些赤字大的国家多节约。
- Back on the mainland , mr lee berated japan for not redressing the grievances of korean women forced into military prostitution during the war .
- 在韩国大陆,李明博痛斥日本没有昭雪战争期间被强征作军妓的韩国女性的冤屈。
- Landscape literacy is a means for recognizing and redressing those injustices through urban planning and design and community development , just as verbal literacy was a cornerstone of the american civil rights movement of 1950s and 1960s .
- 通过规划、设计和社区发展而达到的普及景观知识是认识到存在不公正现象、并加以纠正的一种手段,正如普及文化知识曾经是1950年代和1960年代美国民权运动的基石。