
v.(给建筑物的内部)再装修( redecorate的过去式和过去分词 )
redecorated 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Then redecorated his apartment with his blood .
- 然后用他的血把他家重装饰了一遍。
- When president obama addresses the nation on iraq on tuesday night , he will do so from newly redecorated digs .
- 本周二晚上,奥巴马总统就可以在他那重新装修的办公室,向全美发表有关伊拉克的讲话了。
- We shopped , we redecorated , and we lunched .
- 我们一起购物,我们重新装饰,一起吃午餐。
- They couldn 't agree whether to have the office redecorated in yellow or green so I forced the issue by saying that if they didn 't decide today it would stay as it is .
- 他们对办公室重新用黄颜色还是绿颜色来装饰不能取得一致意见,因此我被迫决定,如果他们今天决定不了,那就不再装饰了。
- After the demise of the galactic republic , many of the v-wing squadrons were simply redecorated and reassigned to become some of the first starfighters of the galactic empire .
- 银河系共和国完蛋后,许多v翼中队仅仅被重新装饰和分配,就变成了银河帝国的最初的星际战斗机。
- A completely renovated and redecorated house .
- 一栋全部翻修过而且重新装璜过的房子。
- I just redecorated the guest room .
- 我刚刚重新装修了客房。
- The place is looking much better since they had it redecorated .
- 自从他们请人重新装潢后,这地方看起来漂亮多了。
- The hotel has recently been redecorated throughout .
- 这家酒店最近彻底重新装修了一番。
- Enjoy its 318 bedrooms , including 15 luxury suites , elegantly redecorated in proven ? Al style .
- 享受其318间客房,包括15个豪华套房,典雅重新在普罗旺斯风格。