That screen , known as oncotype dx , is used widely today and relies on a 21-gene assay to tell patients how likely their cancer is to recur and whether their tumors will respond to chemotherapy .
With the debate about us financial reform finally , it appears , about to end , should we all feel safer and more confident that a crisis will not recur ?
It is the most common form of bladder cancer and , although reasonably easy to treat , it has a tendency to recur .
So the way financial companies operate globally , manage risk , reward performance , the quality and quantity of capital they hold , and the way regulators across the world work together to monitor them is being reformed to ensure a crisis like this can never recur .
Researchers from the university of oxford announced on thursday that they have developed the first genetic test for predicting the likelihood that a patient 's colon cancer will recur .
Ms peacock also weaves herself into the pages , periodically stepping away from delany to describe her own alcoholic father , a late , happy marriage , her terror that her husband 's cancer will recur .