
rechargeable 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mobile phones , laptops and mp3 players mostly use rechargeable batteries .
- 手机,笔记本电脑还有mp3播放器绝大多数都使用充电电池。
- Use rechargeable batteries to avoid buying batteries packaged in plastic .
- 用充电电池,避免购买用塑料包装的电池。
- You can buy a usb battery charger almost anywhere that sells rechargeable batteries .
- 你能在大多数卖充电电池的地方买到usb电池充电器。
- What has changed the game are lithium-ion batteries , which are a lot lighter than other rechargeable batteries .
- 改变这一点的是锂电池,它比其它可充电电池要轻得多。
- Some people believe that a similar change would happen if rechargeable batteries could likewise be made into thin , solid devices .
- 一些人相信,倘若可充电电池能同样制作成细小、固体的装备也将会产生类似巨变。
- Rechargeable batteries based on lithium chemistry store more energy , weight for weight , than any other sort .
- 就同等重量而言,基于锂化学物质的可充电电池比起所有其它类型的能存储更多的能量。
- It has built-in rechargeable battery and looks cool , light weight , small and compact it weighs only 90g .
- 它带有内置式可充电电池,看上去很酷,重量又轻,小巧紧凑只有90克重。
- The company initially made its name with rechargeable cell phone batteries , but this year launched mass production of a plug-in hybrid electric car .
- 比亚迪最初经营手机电池业务,但是今年开始其氢电汽车开始大规模投产。
- The rechargeable lead batteries are used in scooters , cars and some mobile phones .
- 充电铅电池广泛用于在各种产品中,比如电动摩托、汽车和一些移动电话里。
- One of the few exceptions is the rechargeable toothbrush .
- 不过也有一些例外,比如充电式牙刷。