

v.引证,举出(例证、理由等)( adduce的现在分词 )

adducing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Mr desmond vigorously denies being simply a hatchet-wielding asset-stripper , adducing a big investment in a new printing plant , among others .
He claimed that paul and I were having an affair , adducing as evidence the fact that we were once seen together in a bar .
Development and protection of land resources in sanjiangyuan region by adducing the example of xinghai county , qinghai province .
The contractor undertakes the obligation of adducing evidence if there is the dispute about whether it breached the agreement by negligence .
Burden of adducing evidences ; capabilities of parties adducing evidences ; investigating and obtaining evidences .
Article 164 lawyers shall maintain disciplines of the courts and arbitration tribunal , observe the time for appearing in court and time limit for adducing evidences and submitting legal documents , as well as other procedural provisions .
If it is actually difficult for the party concerned to submit the evidential material within the extended time limit for adducing evidence , he may reapply for extending such time limit , and the people 's court shall decide whether to approve it .
Regulations on civil procedural evidences decreed by the supreme people 's court intensify the capabilities of parties adducing evidences , regulating the functions of the people 's courts investigating and collecting evidences . In reality .
Lawyers should be embodied with integrated investigating and obtaining evidences in civil actions , and " investigation order " , such indirect investigation to collect evidences intensify the capabilities of parties adducing evidences .
Exploring issues of adducing evidence in commercial confidentiality litigation .