The article has adduced the poet and peasant husband and wife accepting the knowledge composition effect to the choice having explained value 's accurately in the different view getting wet in the rain .
So it happens that a ground can be found and adduced for everything : and a good ground ( for example , a good motive for action ) may effect something or may not , it may have a consequence or it may not .
Darwin adduced the fossil record as support for his theory .
Key words : exercise training ; training theory ; arguments adduced .
To understand why and how these limits can be adduced , we must come back to the nature of man .
The one important fact usually adduced to support this position is that supply and demand seem finely balanced as inventories are not increasing .
Article 39 the arbitral tribunal shall invoke evidence that is adduced by the parties and has been found to be true as the basis for determining facts .
Provided that , except with leave of the board , only one address may be made under this paragraph , and where evidence has been adduced by or on behalf of the defendant such address may be made either before or after such evidence has been adduced ;