Here to recapitulate is a detailed list of the program characteristics .
The article plans to exploringly recapitulate system frame of our electric power law . Then , it brings forward leading directions and contents for electric power law amendment .
161 , Please recapitulate general features about qinghai tourism resources .
So much for the detailed argument , I will now recapitulate .
As there have been extensive international discussions in this regard , I shall briefly recapitulate the key developments and the challenge ahead .
Combined local ischemic postconditioning and remote perconditioning recapitulate cardioprotective effects of local ischemic preconditioning .
But with notable exceptions , europe has not been able to attract the best of them , and there is no need to recapitulate in detail the great problems that have arisen in the integration of so many of the new immigrants .
Now , if the enumeration of so many edifices , summary as we have endeavored to make it , has not shattered in the reader 's mind the general image of old paris , as we have constructed it , we will recapitulate it in a few words .
Although I do not want to recapitulate the basics of formal pragmatics , I must briefly recall how the relation between facticity and validity presents itself after the linguistic turn .
Recently , researches are focusing on how to recapitulate some aspects of the environment present in vivo during bone tissue development and thereby stimulate the cells to regenerate functional tissue structures .