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v.彻底摧毁,将…夷为平地( raze的现在分词 )

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This is a story about england 's schools , but it could just as well describe the razing of state provision throughout the world .
Land grabbers often follow , or stake their claim to virgin forest by razing and burning the trees and turning the land into pasture .
Getting to play as the city razing vandals that plague every civ builder is a real treat .
An agent might be able to improve your resource gathering , decrease your research time , improve your razing , or help protect your existing army .
For redd to be sustainable , it will have to be more than life support for the rainforest . It must provide ways for tropical countries to develop growth strategies that do not involve razing forest .
Conservation group wwf let timber companies use its panda brand logo while they were razing some of the world 's most biologically rich rainforests or trading in potentially illegally sourced timber , according to the investigative group global witness .
For example , in the urban planning of a community where there are many old buildings , it is quite possible for people to explore its historic value and tourism value of the antique structure and then establish a tourist area to attract tourists and investment without razing the buildings .
She and fellow qianmen residents have struggled to win a hearing for their claims that their homes were demolished without legal process and that the razing of much of the area breaches a legally binding 2002 preservation plan .
The system - the first of its kind in the world - does not predict quakes , but officials say it can give people enough time to get away from windows that could shatter , or to turn off ovens and prevent fires from razing homes .
The country is accused of promoting agriculture by razing the amazon forest .