
racketeering 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In 2006 the us government brought an action against the tobacco industry for racketeering .
- 2006年,美国政府对烟草业提起诉讼,罪名是诈骗。
- In 2007 mr noriega ended a 17-year stretch in a miami prison for drug-trafficking , racketeering and money-laundering .
- 2007年,诺列加在迈阿密监狱17年的关押结束了,其罪行包括贩卖毒品、诈骗和洗钱。
- Tony and him and me started out together , then tony got into the life , and I mean into the life , man -- drugs , whores , union racketeering , loan-sharking , maybe even popping a couple of guys .
- 托尼、他和我一同出道,后来托尼融入了生活,老兄,我指的可是混迹于世吸毒、嫖妓、合伙诈骗、放高利贷、甚至可能还朝几个家伙开过枪。
- Three years after charges of corruption , racketeering , tax-evasion and money-laundering againstsouth africa 's president were dropped , the country 's supreme court has ruled to allow a review of that hugely controversial decision .
- 在贪污、诈骗、逃税和洗钱的控告被撤销三年后,南非国家最高法院裁决:允许重新审议之前颇具争议的决定。
- However , he was acquitted of nine counts including wire fraud and tax fraud and one count of racketeering .
- 然而,他洗脱了9项罪行指控,其中包括电报欺诈、骗税和一项诈骗罪。
- Police on thursday arrested four employees of the company in auckland , new zealand , charging them with conspiracy to commit racketeering and criminal copyright infringement .
- 警方周四在新西兰的奥克兰逮捕了该公司的四名员工,并对他们提出密谋实施敲诈和侵犯版权的刑事指控。
- No fewer than 127 alleged mobsters were charged with a litany of crimes , including murder and narcotics-trafficking as well as bread-and-butter mob crimes like gambling , racketeering and extortion .
- 不下于127名黑手党犯罪嫌疑人遭到一连串的犯罪指控,包括谋杀、贩毒、以及诸如赌博、敲诈和勒索的聚众犯罪。
- New york state attorney general , after about 80 people , including the entire gambino family hierarchy , were indicted for murder , racketeering and other crimes - the largest mob sweep in recent memory
- 纽约总检察长,在逮捕了80人--整个甘比诺家族。并以谋杀,敲诈和其他罪名起诉----记忆中最大的一次扫荡
- Apple also named mr. devine in a civil suit filed friday in u.s. district court in san jose , calif. , that includes allegations of fraud and violations of racketeering laws .
- 苹果上周五在向美国加州圣荷西地区法院递交的一份民事诉讼中提到了迪瓦恩,起诉罪名包括欺诈和违反反欺诈法。
- The former governor of illinois is charged with 24 criminal counts , including racketeering , attempted extortion and bribery .
- 伊利诺斯前州长身负24项指控,其中包括非法获取钱财,敲诈勒索以及受贿。