

v.(用武力)制止,结束,镇压( quell的现在分词 )

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The wage increases are not just about quelling public dissatisfaction but also about making sure the world 's biggest manufacturing machine has enough manpower .
Its priority , undoubtedly , is to keep tabs on the new class of wealth creators and ensure that they do not one day become a source of opposition to a leadership obsessed with quelling any potential threat to its monopoly on power .
Conflict quelling and accommodation purification in implementing conciliation of court .
The subtle , but significant , change will affect any minority investor and is aimed at quelling concerns in congress about foreign government-controlled investment funds .
He knows that explaining survival techniques is one means of quelling panic . This is why we have predicted that nancy will be pushed by the media into the public arean , as she has a long history with these techniques .
They sprang up in the wake of the surge of the american troops across central iraq this year which has had some success in quelling the violence in some of the most troubled regions .
While the troubled asset relief program ( tarp ) in the united states succeeded in quelling that country 's banking crisis by forcing banks to take government money , there was no equivalent european response .
For london 's police , charged with protecting world leaders at the g20 summit and quelling the crowds who are massing to rail at them , april 1st is going to be a long day .
The quelling of guerrilla movements in colombia and peru has helped spur their new economic exuberance .
With rough control over the tribal areas , the army could do a better job of quelling jihadist raids into afghanistan .