The substitutional interpretation of quantifiers and nominalism .
Discussion is made on the select arts for translating chinese quantifiers into english .
Identify goals for improvement result quantifiers ( strategic imperatives )
Possessive quantifiers , which greedily match as much as they can and do not back off , even when doing so would allow the overall match to succeed .
You know that with the logic inaugurated by de morgan and boole , we have come , it was only inaugurated by them and not pushed to its final point , we arrived at the formulae described as quantifiers .
In order to answer this question , we refer to the analyses of floating quantifiers , i.e. , the stranding analysis and the adverbial analysis .
The author researched the individual quantifiers and analyzed their origins , usages and taxemes in this paper , hope for provide some useful materials to quantifiers research in wei , jin , south and north dynasties .
This leads some to use pure adjectives as quantifiers , as fineman did when he said , " that great of a story " where he apparently meant either " that great a story " or " that much of a story . "