Qian 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- One big concern for mr qian is how to keep his workers , without increasing his wage bill even further .
- 钱先生一直考虑的一件事是怎样能在不进一步增长工资的情况下留住员工。
- Otherwise the netizens will incline to think that qian yunhui photographs was proof of foul play and a sloppy cover-up .
- 否则网民会倾向于认为,钱死亡的照片只是谋杀的证据和肮脏的遮羞布。
- One of the men waved his hand , and a truck then drove slowly over mr. qian , the reports said .
- 报道说,其中的一个人摇了摇手,卡车就缓慢地从钱先生身上开过去。
- Mr. qian never returned to the united states .
- 钱先生再也没有回到美国。
- Some of mr qian 's close family believe they are being watched .
- 一些钱的家人确信他们被政府监视。
- To test their neural network 's pattern-recognition powers , dr qian made up a game to identify one out of four scientists .
- 为了测试研制出的神经网络模式识别能力,钱博士设计了一个游戏使其在4位科学家中确定其中一位。
- By the time the next elections were due in 2008 , mr qian was back in prison , this time because of an illegal land transaction .
- 2008年是又一次村委选举的时候,但钱却又重回狱中,这次是因为一次非法的土地交易。
- Mr. qian served on the united states government 's science advisory board during world war ii .
- 二战期间,钱先生曾在美国政府科学顾问委员会供职。
- Villagers refused to have fresh elections because they still regarded mr qian as the legitimate chief ( the term of office normally runs three years ) .
- 村民们拒绝重新进行选举,因为他们让然把钱认为是合法的村长(村长的职位通常是三年)。
- Why was a brand-new security camera at the intersection where mr. qian yunhui killed not working on saturday ?
- 为什么钱死亡的十字路口一个全新的监控摄像头在周六失灵了?