Puerto 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The government admits that 30000 tonnes of food are rotting in the port of puerto cabello alone .
- 政府承认仅仅在卡贝略港(puertocabello)就约有3000吨食品腐烂。
- Just three days after the puerto ordaz near-disaster , three caracas commuter trains collided , killing the driver of one of them and injuring dozens of passengers .
- 在奥尔达斯港险酿惨祸后不过三天,三台加拉加斯的通勤火车相撞,其中一台的驾驶员丧生,另有几十名旅客受伤。
- Puerto maldonado capital of peru 's madre de dios region is a critical part of latin america 's economic revolution .
- 秘鲁马德雷德迪奥斯的首府马尔多纳多港,它是拉美国家经济变革的主要力量。
- Politically , puerto rico is in a state of flux , which means its new investment law could be countered or revoked .
- 政治上波多黎各的不稳定状态,意味着新的投资法律可能会被削弱或撤销。
- Crime happens everywhere , but the high murder rate in puerto rico is enough to send the toughest plutocrat back to the u.s. in short order .
- 暴力哪里都会有,但波多黎各的高谋杀率很快就会将这些富人们送回美国。
- But unlike other tax avoidance schemes , paulson and his family don 't have to renounce their u.s. citizenship to get the special tax break given puerto rico 's unique tax arrangement with the u.s.
- 不像其他的避税计划,保尔森及其家人不一定要放弃美国公民身份,才能享受这一特殊的税收优惠政策,这得益于波多黎各和美国政府独特的税收安排。
- " The situation with puerto rico might draw more attention to how u.s. territories are treated under u.s. tax laws , " sen. chuck grassley , the republican from iowa and member of the joint committee on taxation , told fortune . "
- “波多黎各的情况可能会引发关注,如何根据美国税例处理美国属地问题,”艾奥瓦州共和党参议员查克•格拉斯利告诉《财富》杂志(Fortune),他也是税收联合委员会(JointCommitteeonTaxation)的成员。
- It 's a long way from the financial paradise the puerto rican government is trying so hard to portray it as .
- 这样的现实,与波多黎各政府竭力描绘的金融天堂有着天壤之别。
- Lisandro lozano aguiar worked in hotel security before becoming a butler at villa premiere hotel & spa in puerto vallarta , mexico .
- 利桑德罗•洛扎诺•阿吉亚尔以前是一名酒店保安,现在在墨西哥巴亚尔塔港的海滨度假酒店VillaPremiereHotel&Spa担任管家。
- Or if puerto rico maintains a separate tax system , which could be conditioned on accepting certain rules to prevent tax evasion . "
- 或者,波多黎各维持独立的税收体系,但前提可能是要接受一些防止避税条例。”