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所属分类: CET6

publicise 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Carmakers are also keen to publicise the handful of trials that are providing them with data on the real-world performance of hydrogen fuel-cell cars .
These are a growing trend in paris , allowed despite the smoking ban . The hotel just isn 't allowed to publicise it .
Music stores publicise new releases and thereby help sell music in all its forms .
It was the first of britain 's agencies to advertise for recruits , to publicise the name of its chiefs and to release files ( if older than about 50 years ) to the national archives .
After paul mccartney and his then-wife heather mills mccartney went out on the ice floes to publicise opposition to the seal hunt last year , mr williams debated with them on " larry king live " , a popular american television programme .
Cameras are ubiquitous , as is the technology to share and publicise pictures instantly .
A social media networking blitz by the white house helped publicise the speech in an effort to generate discussion .
Despite initial suspicion among mothers , balestra began warning children playing in the piazzas not to touch flower beds after she discovered the council had done little to publicise its ban on contact with the polluted soil .
In a joint letter issued on the eve of today 's eurozone summit in brussels , angela merkel , german chancellor , and nicolas sarkozy , french president , demanded a review of how the agencies evaluate government debt and publicise their decisions .
Yes but the campaigns are neither sustained nor systematic . They are aimed at specific bad guys for limited periods of time with the intent to publicise individual acts of egregious immorality and greed rather than to acknowledge the systemic institutionalised sources of corruption .