But it is likely to get its way over its 2010 profits , provided it accepts further reforms to boost efficiency .
Provided credibility is maintained , this is manageable and , indeed , less worrying than the waste inherent in any prolonged slump .
Google tv runs on android and supports flash , which means pretty much the entire world of web video is available -- provided content providers don 't block it .
Provided debt troubles do not blow out into a crisis , yield curves are staying right where banks want them .
Members need a chance of returning to health within a reasonable time period provided they adopt sensible policies .
I could support a law that would make gpl-covered software 's source code available in the public domain after 5 years , provided it has the same effect on proprietary software 's source code .
But I think this is just a time when the borders , probably a byproduct of the information age , the borders are -- you can blur them without as much squelch or as much feedback as you might -- provided you do it well .
Willens says that a u.s. company can borrow in the u.s. against its overseas assets without tax consequences by pledging the stock of its foreign subsidiaries , provided that no more than two-thirds of the subsidiaries ' voting power is posted as collateral .