Cctv was already broadening its overseas offerings to include programing in russian , arabic , spanish and french , along with chinese and english , claiming to reach 219 million households in 156 countries and regions .
Apple has blamed programing errors for its collection of data that tracked the rough location of iphone users and has pledged to fix the problem .
Y ppa manager is of course not perfect since there are a lot of limitations to both bash and yad , but I don 't know any " real " programing languages .
In the past , microsoft has often talked about " bet the company " initiatives , like the . Net programing model introduced a decade ago .
While knowledge of programing language ( i.e. abap ) is much more crucial in bw comparing to other market dw tools and knowledge of fi , crm or sd source tables is extremely helpful , many bw people have limited education in the data warehouse architecturing , dw data modeling or data quality implementation .