

n.(药物、毒物或有魔力的)饮料( potion的名词复数 )

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When children in the village fell sick , the ojha accused mrs basumatary of casting spells-his own charms and potions having failed . Her case is not an isolated one .
During holy week , vigilance is required at the religious processions because the witches steal parts of the relics on display for use in their potions , catubig said .
Her site , which she runs from her farm in northern california , offers hundreds of spells and potions , including ' attraction powder ' to draw a loved one , and ' goofer ' dust , made with dead spiders , to make an enemy sick -- or worse .
The queen 's men put me in charge of the healing potions , but the troops complained ; I never got the proportions right , and the wounded leg would be unchanged while the other felt twice as strong .
For the next ten hours , cronk smeared jacqueline 's face with various lotions and potions , injected her , sprayed irritants into her eyes that made tears stream down her cheek , left her skin red-raw with scraping and even shaved her head .
Forget expensive lotions and potions the key to becoming immortal could be found in flatworms , scientists say .
He was once told by his potions master horace slughorn that there is no spell that can create actual love .
There are plenty of creams , lotions and potions on the market that help you look younger , but today , dr. oz is going to show how some people are actually living longer .
But then I remembered her childhood enjoyment of mixing potions to " cure " us .
All their potions for the year are brewed in the week leading up to easter .