
polly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Digory and polly glanced at one another .
- 迪格雷和波莉相互看了一眼。
- And in those days there lived in london a girl called polly plummer .
- 那时,伦较住着一个女孩,名叫波莉普卢默。
- Yesterday 's withdrawal covered some of its most popular lines , such as polly pocket dolls , doggie day care play sets and barbie play sets .
- 昨日的召回涉及该公司最受欢迎的一些产品系列,如pollypocket玩偶、doggiedaycare套装玩具和芭比套装玩具。
- Polly was just beginning to cry , not with fear , and not even because he had hurt her wrist quite badly , but with furious anger .
- 波莉开始哭了,不是因为害怕,也不是因为他重重地扭伤了她的手腕,而是因为极大的愤怒。
- You can probably guess what it was-the little tin heart that said , " I love polly and polly loves me . "
- 你可能已经猜到它是什么了就是那颗上面写着“我爱波莉,波莉爱我”的小锡心。
- The other is a domestic terrorist named polly -- smart , strong , agile , determined and a kinetic whirl of doggy disruption .
- 另外一只是家里的恐怖分子,叫波利聪明、健壮、敏捷、坚决还有像狗的一连串活跃的破坏。
- As for healing powers , I don 't think stuart and polly have had a measurable effect on flu season .
- 至于说到治疗,我不觉得斯图亚特和波利在流感季节会有显著的作用。
- The killing of polly klaas , who was kidnapped from her home at the age of 12 , shocked the state and the country .
- 杀害pollyklaas的人曾在她12岁的时候在她家里绑架了她,震惊了该州和美国。
- Draper grew up in silicon valley ( her dad is vc tim draper ) and started her career as a co-star on nickelodeon show the naked brothers band , created and produced by her aunt , polly draper .
- 德瑞普在硅谷长大(她父亲是vc的提姆德瑞普),她在nickelodeon电视台开始她的事业,在由她阿姨波利德瑞普创办和发行的thenakedbrothersband节目秀中联合演出。
- David polly , a paleontologist at indiana university , said the new study is one of the most comprehensive investigations to date of mammal body-size evolution .
- 印第安那大学的古生物学家davidpolly说,这次的研究是有关哺乳类体型进化数据的最全面研究之一。