

v.掠夺,抢劫( plunder的现在分词 )

plundering 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

After plundering enough pelf , he took a train bound for the border .
Let 's grow by creating flows rather than plundering more stocks .
1 These enterprises , he argues , are a form of public ownership that prevents plundering while achieving the efficiency of private-sector companies .
Blue chip it companies are plundering the entire talent pool across industries , stealing civil engineers and graduates from other disciplines and turning them into software engineers .
Eventually the british got tired of his disruptive plundering activities and managed to turn some of his allies into enemies .
He dismisses the music spawned by the track as " plagiarism " and " bullshit " , considering it another chapter in the plundering of african-american cultural patrimony .
For example , jesse shapiro of the university of chicago and roland fryer of harvard are recognisably the intellectual heirs of mr levitt . They share the same knack for finding ingenious ways to answer unlikely questions , often by plundering forgotten troves of data .
Since britain started the industrial revolution , one country after another has launched itself on to the world stage by plundering the world 's land and seas while polluting its air , either in their own borders or overseas through colonies , investment and trade .
Instead of secretly plundering the game he decided to go to the ontario lottery and gaming corporation .
No one will succeed in plundering our national identity , or humiliating us , or , god forbid , destroying us .