


philanthropic 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You are deeply patriotic : your biggest philanthropic cause is wounded veterans .
- 你非常爱国:最大的慈善事业是帮助伤残退伍军人。
- Two-thirds of tata sons is owned by charitable trusts which finance philanthropic activities .
- tatasons三分之二都归为慈善活动筹款的公益信托所有。
- Wildly ostentatious events are out of fashion , unless they are philanthropic .
- 大肆摆阔的活动已经过时了,除非那是慈善活动。
- These outcomes were the result of philanthropic and state action , which facilitated private enterprise .
- 这些成果是慈善和政府活动的结果,促进了私营企业的发展。
- Philanthropic dollars have ever greater social significance , thanks to the explosion in private wealth .
- 由于私人财富的爆炸式增长,慈善捐款如今具有前所未有的社会意义。
- A more helpful approach would be to encourage the government to make philanthropic giving easier .
- 其实还有一个更有帮助的办法,就是鼓励政府简化慈善捐助手续。
- They had many detractors and their philanthropic endowments helped to sanitise subsequent memories of them .
- 诋毁他们的人很多,而慈善捐赠有助于改善后人对他们的回忆。
- Jeremy hunt , the culture secretary , wants a more robust philanthropic culture .
- 现任文化部长jeremyhunt希望看到一个更加富有活力的慈善文化氛围。
- Philanthropic donations , encouraged by the coalition , are too small to fill the gaps .
- 而受联盟支持的慈善捐助数额太少,还不能填补缺口。
- Another reason for carnegie 's relative decline may be that 100 years is too old for a philanthropic foundation .
- 卡耐基相对下降的另一个原因可能是100岁对于一个慈善机构来说太老了。