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- Astronaut john grunsfeld performing a spacewalk to work on the hubble space telescope .
- 宇航员约翰菲尔德执行太空行走工作的哈勃太空望远镜。
- 2 / 15 Outer space : astronaut john grunsfeld positioned on a foot restraint on the end of atlantis 's remote manipulator system
- 2/15外太空:宇航员约翰格伦斯费尔德(johngrunsfeld)双脚锁定站在“亚特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机遥控操纵系统的末端位。
- " It 's that extreme clarity that gives us the feeling we 've traveled out into space to see these objects , " said jon grunsfeld , an astronaut who did repair work on hubble during two shuttle missions .
- 曾两次前往太空对哈勃望远镜进行维修的宇航员乔恩格伦斯菲尔德说:“正是由于图像超级清晰,才使我们有种亲临太空的感觉。”