

sis 变化形式
易混淆的单词: SisSiSSIS

sis 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- What are you doing here , sis ? What are you doing ?
- 你在这干什么姐姐?你在这干什么?
- Sis , do you mind if we skip the movie ?
- 老姐,我们不去看电影你不介意吧?
- Learning all about my brand-new sister ! Hug sis !
- 来了解我的新妹妹!妹妹让姐抱抱!
- Monthly project information date entry in the sis system .
- 负责每月在sis系统的项目信息输入。
- Impossible ! He never told me he had a twin sis !
- 不可能!他从来没跟我说过他有双胞胎妹妹!
- My little bro and little sis are visiting me this weekend .
- 我的弟弟和妹妹这个周末要来看我。
- It was in part because of this that atos last year forged the 850 million euro deal to take control of siemens 's it-services business sis .
- 源讯公司去年斥资8.5亿欧元控股西门子旗下it服务业务sis,在一定程度上就是出于这方面的考虑。
- In the eyes of partners in her team , sis qing is not only a business leader , but also a tutor of life .
- 在团队伙伴眼中,清姐不仅是事业上的领袖,更是人生的导师。
- If the component_name is sis , then this is the name of the notifier , gateway , or carrier that you are setting a property for .
- 如果component_name是sis,则这是您为其设置属性的通告程序、网关或电信公司的名称。
- Sis that in my record ?
- 那是我的口供?