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- Leaving aside petro economies , the biggest are in countries pursuing export-led growth , often on the basis of undervalued exchange rates .
- 除去石油经济体,经常帐户盈余最多的是那些追求出口导向型增长的国家(常常以低估的汇率为基础)。
- For three days mountains of garbage lined the streets , until public clamour forced mr petro to invite the private firms to renew their work .
- 那三天垃圾排满了街道两边,民众的强烈要求迫使佩特罗先生邀请私营公司重新开始他们的工作。
- Yet , as petro poroshenko , a former foreign minister , says , it should not be a question of money or gas .
- 不过,正如前外长佩特罗博鲁什科所言,这本不应是金钱或是天然气的问题。
- Professor sylvester petro of new york university has written a full book on the kohler strike and another full book on thekingsport strike , and the public lessons to be learned from them .
- 纽约大学教授sylvesterpetro关于科勒罢工写了一整本书,关于金斯波特罢工及公众应该给从中吸取的教训写了另外一整本书。
- A year on from last august 's war between russia and georgia over south ossetia , ria novosti spoke to author and russia expert professor nicolai n. petro on the causes and consequences of the conflict .
- 距离去年俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚在南奥塞梯发生冲突已经过去一年了,俄罗斯新闻社novosti专访俄罗斯问题专家和作家nicolain.petro教授,共同探讨这场冲突的起因和影响。
- More than half the petro - professionals are less than 10 years away from retirement .
- 不出10年,一半以上的石油专业人士都要退休。
- Even so , the often arrogant mr petro has alienated some left-wing allies and many ordinary bogotanos .
- 虽然如此,经常傲慢自大的佩特罗先生疏远了一些左派的同盟和很多普通的波哥大人。
- Petro poroshenko , a businessman , suggests that food production could become an engine of growth .
- 一位叫佩特罗波洛申科(petroporoshenko)的商人表示,粮食生产可以成为增长引擎。