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- He later came up with sexual selection : gaudy peacocks please peahens and pass on their genes .
- 不久之后,他又提出了性择理论:雄孔雀通过尾屏取悦雌孔雀,从而传递自己的基因。
- Manhattan , it is well-known , is an island nation governed by peacocks .
- 曼哈顿,众所周知,是一个被孔雀统治的岛国。
- The 112-room capella singapore on sentosa island has lush lawns , peacocks and sculptures surrounding a heritage hotel .
- 配有112个房间的新加坡capella酒店位于圣淘沙岛,围绕其周的是茂盛的草坪、孔雀群和各种雕塑。
- Last year police raided a prison in acapulco to find 100 fighting roosters , 19 prostitutes and two peacocks on the premises .
- 去年警察突袭位于阿卡普尔科州的监狱,发现犯人豢养的100只斗鸡,2只孔雀,竟然还有19名妓女。
- Mr. zhang kept tigers and peacocks , and was met by a police welcoming committee that set off fireworks in his honor , mr. kitto said .
- 张啸林养着老虎和孔雀,一个警务欢迎委员会还专门为他的到来释放了焰火,基托说。
- Sexual selection , he argued , was an additional force , responsible for spectacular features like the tail feathers of peacocks that are useless for ( or even detrimental to ) survival but essential for seduction .
- 他认为性选择是一种额外的力量,负责具有吸引力的外貌,比如孔雀的尾羽对其生存无用乃至有害,却是诱惑力必不可少的来源。
- Just as unfit peacocks cannot grow splendid tails , so unfit people cannot sing well , dance well ( for singing and dancing go together , as it were , like a horse and carriage ) or play music well .
- 就好比不适合生存的孔雀不能长出美丽的雀尾,不适合生存的人类也不能唱出美妙的歌曲,跳起迷人的舞蹈(唱歌跳舞就好比马和马车一样紧密结合),抑或流畅演奏。
- Peacocks attract mates with the repeating patterns in their plumage .
- 孔雀通过展现羽毛上的重复图案吸引异性前来交配。
- Peacocks don 't become feather dusters overnight .
- 孔雀不会在一夜之间变成鸡毛掸子。
- Peacocks strut in the surrounding meadow .
- 孔雀在周围的草地上昂首阔步。