For decades , stephenson had focused on selling and renting out cranes and paving equipment .
The pentagon is dropping the last vestiges of rules barring american women from serving in combat , paving the way for the largest expansion ever of their role on the front lines .
Gld has won fans who say it has democratized the gold market , paving the way for investors of all stripes to get direct exposure to the precious metal .
This week , the paris club of western creditors also struck a debt deal , paving the way for new flows .
Japan tried in the 1980s , but as its exports softened so its economy boomed , paving the way for the late-1980s bubble and the deflationary stagnation that followed .
Miller is credited with paving a way to the creation of free agency for the players .
She 's paving the way for war , isn 't she ?
While in jail he forged relationships with several anc leaders , paving the way for his future in the organization .
The ways and means committee , which has jurisdiction over trade , approved the currency bill on friday with bipartisan support , paving the way for a vote in the full house next week .