Celebrated for its diverse collection of decorative bridges and lush , natural landscaping , merritt parkway remains , 70 years after it was constructed , one of america 's most scenic roads .
The jewish children 's museum in crown heights brooklyn ( 792 eastern parkway kingston avenue stop on the no. 3 train ) offers hands-on interactive exhibits about holidays and culture along with a climbing wall for young children and a minigolf course .
Fortis probably thought it already had what it wanted from parkway .
For fortis , parkway offers a chance to expand from its base in india across the region .
But the offers from each of parkway 's two biggest shareholders envision different players -- one government-owned , another a private-sector industry leader -- grabbing the consolidator 's position .
Parkway also generates 26 % of its revenue in malaysia , which is expected to be a key driver of its future growth , according to a citi investment research report .