parcels 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The parcels may have been part of a dry-run for a future attack , something that mr brennan didn 't rule out .
- 此次发现的包裹可能是为将来的某一次袭击所进行演练行动的一部分,布伦南先生也并没有排除有这样的可能性。
- Officials say two parcels intercepted last week that were addressed to synagogues in chicago may have been designed to blow up airplanes .
- 有关官员说,上周截获的两个包裹的邮寄地址是芝加哥的犹太教堂,这些包裹可能是计划用来炸毁飞机的。
- Police put the capital 's transport hubs on high alert and said they were stationing additional officers in public spaces to check for unattended baggage and parcels .
- 警方提高了莫斯科交通枢纽的安全警戒级别,同时表示正在公共场所部署额外警力,以检查无人看管的行李和包裹。
- Some consumers , having paid for door-to-door delivery , will not want to traipse to a nearby shop or petrol station to collect their parcels .
- 而已经为送货上门支付过费用的顾客,是不愿意晃到附近的商店或加油站取包裹的。
- Every christmas I used to work as a temporary postman in my village , helping to deliver the seasonal avalanche of parcels and greeting cards .
- 以前每个圣诞节,我都会担任村子里的临时邮递员,帮忙发送每到那个时候就会如雪片般寄来的包裹和贺卡。
- The cost of shipping parcels is now a mere one-sixth of what firms in america have to pay .
- 运输包裹的成本仅仅是美国企业所要支付的六分之一。
- Act v. manhattan and washington.the fool is exposed : his parcels are empty . He is banished .
- 傻瓜格鲁布曼被揭穿:他的包裹里空空如也。
- The huge capital costs of building a worldwide network of planes and trucks to ensure swift deliveries of parcels , documents and freight keeps smaller rivals at bay .
- 为了保证迅速运送包裹、文档还有货物,巨额成本被用于建立全球范围内的飞机、货车运输网络,这让小型竞争者拍马难及。
- She sent weekly parcels , thoroughly packed for fear of damage in the post , of cigarettes and sweets and clippings from the irish newspapers .
- 她每周都邮寄包裹(有香烟、糖和爱尔兰报纸的剪报),把包裹仔细地包装好以防路上损坏。
- Commercial flights carrying freight and express parcels might one day also lose their on-board pilots .
- 运送货物和快递包裹的商用飞机某天也可能会失去其随机的飞行员。