
pampering 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He wants a bit of pampering and love but not finding it in his wife , he turns to external sources .
- 他想要点纵容和关爱但是却在妻子身上找不到,于是他转向了别处。
- That pampering very much included the business class , which , when not actually drawn from the ranks of the ruling clan and its allies , benefited from sweetheart deals of various kinds .
- 这种纵容包括商业阶层,一旦他们实际上没有从统治部落和它的联盟这个阶层获益,就会从各种私下交易中得利。
- Good news , men turns out pampering emancipation is here already .
- 好消息男士们的来了,让你们心满意足的解放已经到来了。
- Lee would take his weary feet along to the award-winning remede spa at the st regis singapore hotel for some rejuvenating pampering .
- lee会用它疲惫的双腿带你到新加坡瑞吉酒店的remede水疗中心,去做一些让人恢复精力的“放纵”。
- For a little pampering , head to the refrigerator and grab an egg .
- 想对自己好一点,就从冰箱里拿出一个鸡蛋。
- ' It is another level of pampering , ' mr. fuerstman says .
- 福尔斯特曼说,这是另一个层次的悉心关怀。
- The charming kroc crowed , " now we will have a club over , and by god there will be no more pampering or fiddling with them " .
- 极富魅力的克洛克洋洋得意地说“现在我们将成立特许经销商的俱乐部,上帝作证,他们中绝不会有人被偏袒或愚弄。”
- Young men without jobs burned down the houses of political leaders after the election last month , enraged that the poobahs should enjoy another four years of pampering .
- 上个月选举之后,由于不满这些身兼数职的父母官又要搜刮四年的民脂民膏,愤怒的无业青年纵火烧毁了地方官员的宅邸。
- Rather than pampering young managers by protecting them from the turbulence of emerging markets , senior managers should put them in positions where they need to take responsibility for projects and make decisions that could go wrong .
- 资深管理者不应一味呵护年轻管理者免受新兴市场的动荡影响,而应给予他们锻炼机会,负责具体的项目,做出自己的决策,并承担决策失误的后果。
- Modern medicine and the pampering effects of economic growth mean that , these days , women everywhere give birth to fewer children than they did in the distant evolutionary past , when human bodies and physiology were forged-even as more of the offspring they do bear survive into adulthood .
- 在现代医药以及经济增长的娇惯作用下,虽然当今世界各地女性的生育数量低于人类生理形成时的远古进化时期的女性的生育率,然而却有更多的后代长成。