

homelessness 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The problem of homelessness has been central to social policy in britain for years .
- 很多年以来,无家可归者的问题一直是英国重要的社会问题。
- This is a story about a plan to end chronic homelessness in the united states .
- 这是一个关于解决美国长期性游民的计划的文章。
- We have enough wealth as a society that no one should ever be just one medical or dental emergency away from homelessness or hunger .
- 作为一个社会,我们有足够的财富,因此没有人应该由于一次急诊而流离失所、饥肠辘辘。
- It 's not an indeterminate " war on homelessness , " but a methodical approach to do away with a major social problem .
- 这是一个消除社会主要问题的有系统的方法,而非即刻对游民打起战争。
- Until recently , however , chronic homelessness has been treated as an inconvenience , not a life or death matter .
- 然而直到最近,长期性游民才被认为是一件麻烦事而非生死大事。
- Crime , homelessness , emigration and personal bankruptcies are on the rise .
- 犯罪、失去住所、移民国外和个人破产的数量都在上升。
- Atlanta wants to introduce the 311 system and to tackle homelessness .
- 亚特兰大希望引入311热线系统,并安置城市中无家可归者。
- Farley 's research found that many of the women working in nevada brothels had experienced homelessness or been abused as children .
- 法莱的研究发现,许多在内华达妓院工作的妇女曾经无家可归或者在儿童时期遭到过虐待。
- Second , housing is increasingly unaffordable and the social costs of homelessness are enormous .
- 其次,房价已经变得越来越难以承受,无家可归者造成了高昂的社会成本。
- We 'd be unhappy if we couldn 't pay for our quality of life priorities , but not in danger of homelessness .
- 如果金钱无法改善我们的生活我们当然会很不开心,但是不要为此而冒着可能无家可归的风险。