

n.画家( painter的名词复数 );油漆匠;(系船的)缆绳
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- Bellows is one of the most memorable of america 's early 20th-century painters .
- 贝洛斯是美国20世纪早期画家中最值得纪念者之一。
- The tuscan painters stop at the body and not at its destiny .
- 托斯卡纳的画家停留在身体层面上,而不是在命运层面上。
- Not that the painters lying in paris 's cemeteries mind very much now .
- 不过,长眠在巴黎公墓的画家们现在是不会介意的。
- Painters were hired to try and blend the huge , obtrusive towers into the landscape .
- 受雇的画家尝试着将突兀的巨塔融入周围的风景之中。
- Part of a ritual in which shamans or painters communed with the rock wall ?
- 还是萨满仪式的一部分,还是画家用石壁表达他们的思想?
- This month , we want to know your thoughts on the most iconic 20th century painters .
- 本月,我们想知道谁才是读者心目中20世纪最具代表性的画家。
- During the impressionist era , many painters came here to paint because of the light and inspired architecture .
- 在印象派时代,因为光线和给人带来灵感的建筑,许多画家来到这儿作画。
- For them , writers and painters just had to write and paint and keep out of politics .
- 但对他们而言,作家和画家不过是写写画画的一类人,应当远离政治。
- Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot , others transform a yellow spot into the sun .
- 一些画家将太阳幻化为一个黄色的圆点,一些画家将一个黄色的圆点幻化为太阳。
- Painters like winslow homer , charles russell , and frederic remington painted america 's life and landscape .
- 像温斯洛荷马、查尔斯罗素和弗雷德里克雷明顿这些画家的画作主题是美国人的生活和美国的风景。