
v.以智取胜,以计击败( outwit的现在分词 )
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- Here of course there is not only the exercise of skill but the outwitting of a skilled opponent .
- 当然这里不仅运用了技巧,而且还在智力较量上胜过了一个本领高超的对手。
- Children will relate this tale to the humor of a child outwitting a grown-up . Louise brueggeman .
- 孩子们将这个故事涉及到了幽默,大人孩子智取。
- And indeed we have been gifted at outwitting many groups of hounds out after us upon a foxhunt through carefully planned tactics of one sort or another to lead them in the wrong direction .
- 并且我们的确是有天赋的,在一场猎狐中我们经常通过一种又一种精心设计的策略,智胜许多在我们身后追逐的猎犬群,把它们带到错误的方向上。
- After outwitting his jedi foes and escaping with the holocron , bounty hunter cad bane begins the next stage of his nefarious assignment : to find force-sensitive younglings and take them to mustafar for sith training .
- 在智取绝地对手,带着全息记录仪逃之夭夭之后,赏金猎人凯德贝恩开始了他恶毒任务的下一个步骤:找到原力敏感的幼童,把他们带到穆斯塔法接受西斯训练。
- The amusing story of a bird outwitting a cat .
- 小鸟智胜猫的有趣故事。
- The little droid gets blasted by battle droids confused and surprised by obi-wan kenobi 's outwitting of the general .
- 当欧比万克诺比智取将军时,被弄糊涂的吃惊的战斗机器人开火打中了这个小机器人。
- But the danger for russia , as it is for much of the world , is that financial tricksters are good at outwitting the law .
- 但对俄罗斯的危险,因为它在世界许多地方是,这是金融骗子在智取法好。
- Even now , the wily zimbabwean liberation hero seems to be outwitting his rivals , mediators and enemies in almost equal measure .
- 甚至在现在,这位老谋深算的津巴布韦解放英雄以几乎同样的方法,正在欺骗他的对手、仲裁者和敌人。