
v.以智取胜,以计击败( outwit的过去式和过去分词 )
outwitted 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Once again , the police had been outwitted by the gang .
- 警察又一次被那伙人骗了。
- Jonny never explained exactly how he had outwitted the giants .
- 约翰尼从来没有原原本本地讲过他怎样智取巨人的情况。
- I outwitted my father in problem-solving when I was ten .
- 在解决数学问题上,我比老爸略胜一筹。那年我10岁。
- Comedies on television often feature stupid israeli soldiers outwitted by plucky palestinians .
- 喜剧演员们也常会在电视上表演巴勒斯坦人英勇地完胜那些愚钝以色列士兵的故事。
- For others , though , it is a tale of how two day traders outwitted the rapid-fire machines that have come to dominate financial markets .
- 但对其他人来说,这是一段故事,讲的是两名短线操盘手如何智胜已逐渐统治金融市场的“速射机器”。
- It was there , in that city founded a millennium ago , that islam fashioned a civilization , made its peace with the world , outwitted and outwaited conquerors .
- 就是在这里,在这千年古都里,伊斯兰教徒建立了伊斯兰文明,并与世界和平相处,以智慧击溃了入侵者,拖垮击败了侵略者。
- He was too clever for ie he outwitted us .
- 他太精明了我们斗不过。
- He was too clever for us , he outwitted us .
- 他太精明了,我们斗不过他。
- She was too sharp for me , ie outwitted me .
- 她太精明(我斗不过她)。
- Some ember that had outwitted time .
- 某种骗过了时间的余烬。