

v.在武器上超过( outgun的过去式和过去分词 )

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Campaigners , he says , have learnt from the experience of the second intifada that they are outgunned .
Despite being heavily outgunned , the rebel forces seem to have held on to the south side of the city .
Democratic candidates are forced to mimic the obsessive need to raise funds , in a contest where they are heavily outgunned .
California 's former governor , arnold schwarzenegger , tried to fight the unions in the court of public opinion , only to be outgunned .
Come on . You 're outgunned , you got no backup , huh ?
Asia 's domestic banks outgunned their global rivals in the region 's local currency bond markets in 2009 , capturing about half the market share of trading volumes , according to a report .
Somewhere today , in the here and now , in the world as it is , a soldier sees he 's outgunned , but stands firm to keep the peace .
Police chiefs are asking our help to get weapons of war and massive ammunition magazines off our streets , because these police chiefs , they 're tired of seeing their guys and gals being outgunned .
Speaking in may at the 92nd street y in new york , he said he felt outgunned in terms of political support when bidding against french and south korean companies for a nuclear-reactor contract in dubai .
Alan dupont , of the university of sydney in australia , says that " missiles and cyber-equivalents are becoming the weapons of choice for the conventionally outgunned . "