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- We 're the only one that uses tools then-but that 's if you don 't count otters smashing mollusks with rocks or apes stripping leaves from twigs and using them to fish for termites .
- 我们又自言是唯一会使用工具的但是除非你不把水獭用石头打碎软体动物或类人猿用从小树枝上拔下来的叶子捕捉白蚁算在内。
- Conversely , the exxon valdez claimed the lives of several thousand sea otters - which do not live along the gulf coast .
- 相应的是,exxonvaldez漏油事件夺走了数千只海獭的生命,而他们并没有生活在墨西哥湾沿海。
- A couple of charismatic sea otters , mother and child , share a meal of crab caught at point lobos state reserve on california 's central coast .
- 图为一对超级可爱的海獭妈妈与宝宝,一起分享在加利福尼亚中海岸的海狼狎州立保护区捕获的螃蟹。
- Sea otters once again play in the waters of alaska 's prince william sound , and salmon and some other species have rebounded .
- 海獭重新在阿拉斯加威廉王子湾玩耍,大马哈鱼和其他一些物种的数目也出现反弹。
- One of the few animals that use tools , sea otters use rocks to smash open prey such as sea urchins or abalone .
- 海獭是能够使用工具的少数动物之一,它会用石头击开猎物,如海胆或鲍鱼。
- Hundreds of thousands of birds fish seals otters and other animals would perish as a result despite the mobilization of more than 11 000 people and 1 000 boats as part of the cleanup .
- 尽管动员了超过1.1万人和1千艘船参与清理,但成千上万的鸟类、鱼类、海豹和水獭等动物还是因此死亡。
- Their nocturnal habits mean they are rarely seen - " otters give so little of themselves it 's hard to know them , " ms darlington writes .
- 它们的夜行性使其很少被人们见到-“水獭提供给人们的信息太少,了解它们很困难”达灵顿说。
- They were home to more than 80 bird species , otters and long-fingered bats , and hundreds of thousands of marsh arabs who grew rice and dates , raised water buffalo , fished and built boats and homes from reeds .
- 这里栖息着80多种鸟类、水獭和长指鼠耳蝠,成千上万湿地阿拉伯人在这里种植稻米和椰枣,养殖水牛、捕捞鱼虾,并且利用芦苇建造船只和房屋。
- This mesmerising book describes her year-long quest across britain , from devon to scotland , cumbria to wales , through seductive wild places and changing seasons , for a glimpse of otters and to meet people who dedicate their lives to them .
- 这本让人着迷的书描述了作者在英国长年的探索旅程,由德文岛到苏格兰,由坎布里亚到威尔士,走过迷人的荒野,走过变换的季节,寻找与水獭的偶遇,寻找那些为水獭而生的人们。
- The damage to the shellfish , in turn , slowed the recovery of otters , which feed on the mollusks .
- 一旦贝类遭到损害,便会减缓以贝类为食的海獭种群的恢复。