
Mounties 变化形式
易混淆的单词: mounties
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- Speaking of mounties , they do not all ride horses .
- 谈到皇家骑警,他们并不总是骑在马上。
- On may 9 , we assembled at the peace arch under the watchful eye of two mounties .
- 5月9日,在两名加拿大骑警的严密监视下,我们聚集在和平拱门前。
- The current effort at collaboration , led by the mounties , is also " riven with conflict " , he says .
- 他说,现在由皇家骑警领导的共同合作的努力也因为矛盾而分裂。
- Mounties raked the district for a trace of the missing men .
- 皇家骑警在管区内认真搜寻失踪人员的踪迹。