英音  [ɒl'fækʃn]    
美音 [ɑlˈfækʃən, ol-]    


所属分类: GRE

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Not only is this the first evidence for a sense of smell in bacteria , the results also might represent one of the earliest forms of olfaction in evolutionary history .
Because several genes contribute to the detection of most odors , understanding the genetics of olfaction and the way mutations spread in a population is yielding insights into the mechanisms of poly genic diseases such as coronary heart disease and diabetes .
But his theory claims to offer one explanation for a whole range of enigmatic human features : bipedality , hairlesslessness , fat layer , descended larynx , loss of olfaction , and so on .
Studies of the brains of mice show that regions involved in olfaction also react to sound .
The team happened upon the link between sex and olfaction while investigating the sense of smell in fruit flies .
Only in olfaction is this sensory pattern represented in the frontal cortex which is the most developed part of the human brain .
It infuriates me and I think it undermines exactly what you lay out in your book : that the human propensity for taste and olfaction is actually much more sophisticated than we might assume .