In fact , mobile misuse is becoming the new talking with your mouth full , offending people left and right .
Politicians shirk these tasks because they fear offending powerful lobbies , such as the farmers who receive subsidised electricity , while voters seem to manifest little appetite for reform .
Further offending many japanese last week , after visiting the islands , mr. lee made remarks interpreted as being disrespectful to japan 's emperor , whom many japanese hold in high esteem .
Officially the state permits watchdog journalism , known as " supervision by public opinion " , but in practice news outlets are wary of offending local party officials .
Satellite and broadcast signals could be blocked , offending articles cut out of newspapers ( in some cases literally ) and foreign journalists confined to their hotel rooms or deported .
As a former national security official , who requested anonymity to avoid offending the white house , put it : " the people who love him don 't support him on afghanistan , and the people who support him on afghanistan hate him . "
But the prime minister tends to back down only when the issue is not important enough to spend political capital on ( such as the planned privatisation of forests ) or where there is a high risk of offending public opinion ( such as changes to the nhs ) .
I used to worry about offending someone if I turned down their friend request , even if I had no clue as to who they were , or how I knew them ( I 've always had an overwhelming need to please everyone ) .