The euphoria , which is due to nutmeg 's active ingredient , myristicin , is described as similar to that caused by the drug ecstasy .
Its cultivars have a wide variety of smells , including rose , citrus , mint , coconut and nutmeg , as well as various fruits .
Adding a few natural herbs and spices , such as oregano , cayenne , basil , cinnamon , ginger , nutmeg , or even garlic can liven up an otherwise dull breakfast .
The adult version of the beverage contains milk , sugar , beaten eggs , some kind of liquor ( brandy , rum or whiskey are common ) and spices such as ground cinnamon and nutmeg .
He tore off " a surprising quantity " of bread , piled it in a bowl and poured on boiling water . Then he strewed it with nutmeg , which made it look interestingly gory .
I handed him the nutmeg and the grater .
How to eat : mix with a little butter , cinnamon and nutmeg .
Then he strewed it with nutmeg , which made it look interestingly gory .
Like cloves , nutmeg contains eugenol , a compound that may benefit the heart .