
v.养育( nurture的现在分词 );培育;滋长;助长
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- Studies show that early nurturing from parents or caregivers helps combat the biochemical effects of stress .
- 研究表明早期来自父母的培育或看护有助于战胜压力带来的生物化学效果。
- It does not , however , settle the argument over what role the state should have in nurturing the young .
- 然而并没有解决国家在养育下一代时应如何发挥作用这一争论。
- As humans , we are parents to all technologies , nurturing them , hopefully training them to be on their own .
- 作为人类,我们是所有技术的父母,我们养育他们,我们训练他们,并希望有一天他们能够独立自治。
- Attention must also be paid to nurturing a more dynamic manufacturing sector .
- 英国政府还必须注意培育更具活力的制造业部门。
- Students who spend years in nurturing classrooms eventually move on to jobs , with potentially unsympathetic bosses .
- 在学校的呵护培育之下,这些孩子终于走上了工作岗位,但有可能碰到冷酷无情的老板。
- For example , business theorists increasingly emphasise the importance of corporate culture , yet many new businesses do a dismal job of nurturing it .
- 比如,商业理论家越来越多的强调了企业文化的重要,但是很多新企业的文化培育工作是一团糟。
- Besides , there are plenty of examples of " faceless conglomerates " doing an excellent job of nurturing local brands .
- 除此之外,有许多关于“不露面的集团公司”在培育本土品牌方面表现出色的例子。
- Part 1 : acceptance and attention the basis of unconditional love and nurturing
- 第一部分:接受和关注-无条件的爱和培育的基础
- At google ms mayer had a reputation for prickliness , but also for nurturing talent and helping staff to cope with heavy workloads .
- 在谷歌,梅耶尔的脾气是出了名的暴躁,但她培育人才、帮助员工应对高负荷工作,也获得了不错的声誉。
- Psychologist call this groupthink . We can combat groupthink by nurturing authentic dissent .
- 为了对抗这种思维,我们可以培育权威的不同意见。