

n.脆弱( frailty的名词复数 );虚弱;(性格或行为上的)弱点;缺点

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May 6 exposed frailties in u.s. markets that hadn 't been seen before .
Just as economic booms amplify a country 's assets , so busts magnify their frailties .
The frailties in the us symbolised by yawning fiscal deficits have yet to be seriously addressed .
Whatever the frailties of europe 's economies , america is in even worse shape .
It 's more accurate to say that we have gone from a society that protected people from their frailties to a society that allows people to maximize their talents .
Computers may not have the human frailties ( like an aversion to taking losses ) that traditional fund managers display . But turning the markets over to the machines will not necessarily make them any less volatile .
Even a rational planner armed with all available information would have a tough time making smart choices . Add in the foibles and frailties of real human beings , and it 's easy to see why the college search process results in so many bad decisions by so many families .
At one extreme you can assume that people cannot be trusted to make the right decisions so you introduce top-down policies to counteract this ; at the other extreme you can believe that people understand their own frailties and at most you need to supply them with the tools to combat these problems .
The squeeze on credit could expose additional frailties in the microfinance model . Many observers suspect that at least some microfinance loans actually finance consumption , not investment , and that borrowers use new loans from one mfi to pay off their debts with another .
There 's no rule book and you are dealing with human frailties and personalities .