


nonprofit 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Eight of these rules are critical to your nonprofit 's survival .
- 这些要诀中有八条对你非营利性组织的生存异常关键。
- Users can browse nonprofit requests for goods , services , and donations .
- 用户可以浏览非营利组织在商品、服务以及捐赠品方面的需求。
- The nonprofit organization first took issue with zuckerberg 's plans of building a coal-powered data center in oregon earlier this year .
- 这个非营利性组织首次对zuckerberg今年早些时候打算在oregon建立一个煤电支持的数据中心的计划表示异议。
- By recognizing the signs of talent or giftedness , we may pursue those talents as a career or to help a nonprofit group .
- 通过认识天才的标志,我们也许可以致力于那些才智并以此为工作或者帮助一个非营利性组织。
- The nonprofit organization focuses on transforming haiti 's wastes into valuable resources , protecting fragile soil , and empowering communities .
- 该非营利性组织致力于将海地的排泄物转化为宝贵资源,保护脆弱土壤,指导公众行为。
- The second circle included the nonprofit organizations that provided complementary services to banking and nonbanking clients .
- 第二个圆包括一些向银行和非银行客户提供互补性服务的非营利组织。
- Perhaps even more useful than putting government documents online would be providing access to corporate and nonprofit records .
- 也许比在线公开政府文件更有用的是,公开企业和非营利机构的档案记录。
- What works well is when the nonprofit organization promotes their relationship with ebay to their current members and donors .
- 最有效的一种方式是非营利机构在ebay上推进与其现有的成员和捐赠者之间的关系。
- Nonprofit economic development organizations , although strongly mission driven , were limited by their ability to attract philanthropic support .
- 虽然有强烈的使命驱使,但是非营利的经济发展组织吸引慈善支持的能力有限。
- Fla is a nonprofit involving companies , universities and social groups to address labor conditions .
- fla是一家以改善劳动环境为宗旨的非营利组织,成员机构包括企业、高校和社会团体等。