

nervousness 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Some of this nervousness is exaggerated .
- 这些担忧有些是太过分了。
- But it can also induce nervousness .
- 但是也同样会让人紧张。
- I approached the idea with appropriate nervousness .
- 每每想到这些,我就有些紧张。
- But some of last week 's market nervousness still seems overdone .
- 但是上周市场上的一些紧张情绪似乎仍然有过火之嫌。
- But old habits die hard , and nervousness about deindustrialisation has triggered mercantilist instincts .
- 但积习难返,对于去工业化的担忧激起了重商主义者的本能。
- Other european markets were hurt by nervousness about the debt problems of greece , spain and portugal .
- 人们对希腊、西班牙和葡萄牙债务问题的担忧也令欧洲其他市场受到冲击。
- And obviously , nervousness about europe is impacting the risk premium in america .
- 明显的,关于欧洲的焦虑情绪正在影响着美国的风险溢价。
- Analysts blamed continued investor nervousness about italy and banks in general .
- 分析师将此归咎于投资者对意大利及所有银行的持续紧张情绪。
- But there is still some nervousness .
- 然而,人们也不能过于乐观。
- Japan opened up its legal-services market in 1999 , despite great nervousness from its own lawyers .
- 日本已于1999年开放了法律服务市场,尽管国内律师对此感到焦躁不安。