Armed with this rifle , p atriot marksman can hit a target 250 yards away , more than three times the average distance of a modern fbi sniper shot , and twice the range of the british muskets .
In mid-1798 , he obtained a government contract to manufacture 10000 muskets within an extraordinarily short time frame of less than two years .
Gunmaking was considered an extremely skilled craft in the 18th century , and firearms , including pistols and muskets , were all constructed by hand .
How much you want for these muskets ?
Load all your muskets and stack'em , but don 't powder'em.
Such rifles could not be loaded as rapidly as smoothbore muskets .
A splendid fellow -- one of the staunch union patriots from whom I used to buy muskets and hoop skirts for the confederacy .
Bows and wheel-lock muskets were shot from the standing position at first and by the 16th century , public matches showcased firearms with rifled barrels .
Opposite the quai de la greve , young men armed with muskets installed themselves in the houses of some women for the purpose of firing .
Interchangeable parts , popularized in america when eli whitney used them to assemble muskets in the first years of the 19th century , allowed relatively unskilled workers to produce large numbers of weapons quickly and at lower cost , and made repair and replacement of parts infinitely easier .