The theory of communication is an important part in jaspers 's philosophy , both as a necessary condition of human existence and the standard measure of truth and as a light leading to great harmony .
Jaspers thought that the essence of education is waking human 's unconscious soul by " the spiritual exchange among humans " and " exchange activities between soul and body among individuals " .
Our current religious order formed in what karl jaspers termed the " axial age " - that extraordinary period between 800bc and 200bc that witnessed monotheism 's move into the mainstream with zoroastrianism , the appearance of buddhism , the establishment of confucianism and the efflorescence of greek humanistic philosophy .
Jaspers 's axial age shares close parallels with today .
Jaspers described the major vehicle as the " boundary experience " a jolting , irreversible experience which shifts the individual from the everyday mode to a more authentic mode .