

mudslinging 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The two modern aspects evident in the campaign were horrific mudslinging and the choice of presidential electors by a popular vote .
- 这两个运动在现代方面显然是可怕的诽谤和总统选举人投票选择一个受欢迎的。
- If your competitor is " mudslinging " it is better that your customer hears the bad news directly from you .
- 如果你的对手在到处说你公司坏话,那么这些坏消息最好由你直接告诉你的客户。
- In a television studio politicians of all stripes entertain viewers with mudslinging , shouting and buffoonery .
- 在电视演播室里,形形色色的政客正通过互揭隐私,咆哮大吼和插科打诨娱乐着观众。
- Now mr ellison 's bid to profit from hp 's loss has triggered both a lawsuit and a fresh bout of mudslinging .
- 现在埃里森先生想要从惠普的损失中谋取利益的想法引发了一场官司和新一轮的隐私大公开。
- Years of political mudslinging between the big parties have brought disillusionment and apathy .
- 多年的大政党之间政治上互相抹黑已经导致了幻灭感和冷漠。
- Tired of the mudslinging , 20 % would either vote against all candidates or simply not turn out .
- 20%的民众表示,他们要么投票反对所有的候选人,要么压根不投票。