
v.使变软,使平静,抚慰( mollify的过去式和过去分词 )
mollified 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Can the critics be mollified and standards upheld ?
- 社会舆论的反应会很平静并且支持新标准呢?
- The journalists were not mollified .
- 记者们还没有安静下来。
- But the industry was not mollified .
- 但这并未使医药业的不满有所缓解。
- Hagen knew he was being mollified . " Maybe I can help , " he said .
- 黑根知道迈克尔平静下来,就说:“也许我也可能帮帮忙。”
- Honda has mollified strikers with raises of up to 24 % .
- 本田公司已经通过上涨24%的薪水平息了罢工。
- Time has mollified both these tales .
- 时间软化了双方的叙述。
- The oil giant has brought new projects online , mollified russian partners , and focused green energy efforts on a few businesses such as wind power in the u.s.
- 这个石油巨人带来了新的开发项目,安抚了俄国合作伙伴,并关注少数行业中的绿色能源,比如美国的风能。
- More importantly , the decision not to pay such a small sum , which could have mollified investors , is a strong sign that the company is desperate to hoard cash .
- 更重要的是,决定不支付这么一笔“小钱”(如果按时偿付,应该会对投资者起到安抚作用),是一个强烈的信号:该公司急于囤积现金。
- Instead , what japan gave the world in the late 1980s was a lesson in how tricky it is to rebalance economies . The country first mollified america and evened out its trade books by raising the value of the yen .
- 相反,在20世纪80年代末日本留给世界的是重新调整经济是何等的棘手的教训.日本首先抚慰了下美国和通过日元升值平衡贸易帐户。
- Dissatisfied with their reply , mr bei appeared at the british council 's offices on the 18th to confront them in person , only to be mollified by their communications director .
- 由于对委员会的回复感到不满,贝岭在18日当天亲自来到了英国文化委员会的办事处面对面地质询主办方,最后好不容易才被他们的外事部主管缓和了情绪。