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- Sigurdur olafsson , chief executive of actavis , an icelandic generics firm , says that as a former pfizer man he remains sceptical .
- 冰岛非专利药品公司的首席执行官sigurdurolafsson说,作为pfizer的前员工,他对该公司持怀疑态度。
- Presumably pfizer could have offered the drug to sick children years ago , but decided to wait until now to move forward with it .
- 可推测pfizer可于多年之前向患病儿童提供此药,却决定等到现在推行此药。
- If you 're not pfizer , or amgen , or merck ?
- 如果你的公司不是辉瑞安进或者默克的之流的话?
- David simmons , head of the established products business with pfizer , the world 's largest pharmaceutical company , said the two companies will select from the current products and allocate related production resources to build a strong platform for the potential company .
- 世界上最大的制药公司,瑞辉制药的总裁西蒙斯说,两家公司将从当前的产品中选择,分配相关的产品资源,旨在为这个即将的公司建立一个强大的平台。
- A subsidiary of pfizer ( pfe ) , the company raised $ 2.2 billion when it went public in january .
- 辉瑞(Pfizer)子公司Zoetis今年1月上市时募资达到了22亿美元。
- After it acquired pfizer 's ( pfe ) infant nutrition division earlier this year for $ 12 billion , shares dropped 5 % .
- 在今年早间以120亿美元收购辉瑞(Pfizer)的婴儿营养业务后,雀巢股价下跌5%。
- In 2012 , pfizer lost the exclusive rights to the drug , opening it up to competition from companies that produce cheaper , generic versions .
- 2012年,辉瑞失去了对这种药物的专有权,生产廉价非专利药的公司将和它展开竞争。
- They compete with other giants like merck ( mrk ) and pfizer ( pfe ) for a very limited pie , and touey says that analytics are providing an advantage to the firm .
- 葛兰素史克与默克(Merck)和辉瑞(Pfizer)等公司竞争着一块非常有限的市场蛋糕,不过托伊表示,数据分析正在为葛兰素史克带来某种优势。
- Herbold runs the herbold group , an executive coaching firm whose clients include pfizer ( pfe ) , dell ( dell ) , pepsico ( pep ) , and hewlett-packard ( hpq ) .
- 赫伯德目前在经营一家名为赫伯德(HerboldGroup)的高管培训公司,公司客户包括辉瑞制药(Pfizer)、戴尔公司(Dell)、百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)和惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)等。
- Just look at the fallout from board wars at pfizer or mf global misplacing some $ 600 million in its investors ' money .
- 殷鉴不远,看看辉瑞(Pfizer)的董事会大战和明富环球(MFGlobal)挪用6亿美元的投资者资金的故事我们就会明白。