
misbehaving 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- When we can see photos of almost everyone misbehaving in the past we 'll stop the pretend outrage over the present .
- 而当我们看到几乎所有人过去不端行为的照片时,我们将停止现在这种假装的愤怒。
- Many began to voice suspicion that the spate of stories about misbehaving foreigners was part of an effort by the government to deflect public attention from its problems .
- 许多人开始怀疑这么多有关外国人恶劣行为的故事同时涌现可能是政府转移视线的结果。
- The kernel is at the heart of your linux system , and a panic is usually caused by misbehaving hardware forcing the kernel into uncharted areas of your system 's memory .
- 内核处于你的linux系统的心脏部位,内核崩溃通常是由于硬件动作异常而导致内核强制进入系统内存的未知区域。
- Mccallum is trying to find an element , such as hydrogen or nitrogen , to mix with cerium that will keep cerium 's problematic electron from misbehaving .
- 麦卡勒姆正寻找一种诸如氢或氮元素同铈混合,使得铈的电子稳定。
- I am also bossy and happy to tell off teenage boys in the street when they are misbehaving .
- 我还会专横而高兴地在街上斥责那些行为不端的十几岁男孩。
- Since this finding is based on a questionnaire survey , with a response rate of about 45 % , the figures may be serious underestimates : misbehaving scientists are probably less likely than others to participate in surveys of this kind .
- 由于这个结论源于这项答复率只有45%的问卷调查,所以这些数字可能被严重低估:因为有不良行为的科学家参与此类调查的可能性要远远小于其他人。
- In smokers , endothelial cells start misbehaving early on , and are thought to be useful predictors of heart attacks or strokes .
- 在吸烟者体内,内皮细胞过早开始“行为不端”,被认为是预测心脏病发作或中风的有用信号。
- The crisis should help in two ways : misbehaving countries may find the eu 's prescriptions less fearsome than the markets , and they will face greater peer pressure from those fearing contagion .
- 这场危机应该在两方面有所帮助:行为不端的国家可能会发现欧盟的处方远没有市场的可怕,同时他们将面对来自担心受到波及的邻国更大的压力。
- Sources in his office say that the generals , who were appointed by the previous new democracy government , were " misbehaving . " They had encouraged a group of retired officers to stage a protest inside the ministry over planned cuts in military pensions .
- 来自国防部长办公室的内部消息称那些由前任新民主党政府任命的将军们都“行为不端”他们竟怂恿一批退休军官在国防部内掀起一场抗议来反对削减部队退休金的计划。
- India is not misbehaving , says mr verghese placidly .
- 印度并没有做错什么,verghese先生平静的说道。